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  1. Global Affiliated Members

    University) Bryan Clark (Ohio Public Interest Research Group) Chris Jones (Director, Ohio Environmental ...

  2. Agricultural Conservation Easements: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations

    public benefits linked to open or undeveloped land. The right to develop cannot be exercised by the ...

  3. Human Capital Spillovers in Dutch Cities: Consumption or Productivity?

    incumbent skill groups, at the level of Dutch cities.   This event is open to the public and no RSVP is ...

  4. Economics of Technology Acceptance and Agricultural Producer Self-Regulation Assessment

    need for additional economic research on the topic.     This event is open to the public and RSVPs are ...

  5. Would a $15 minimum wage work in Ohio?

    America,” will grow the middle class. “80-90 percent of the public has seen stagnant wages, and that doesn’t ...

  6. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    knowledge with others came from her mother Amada S. Garcia, she was a public school teacher and taught night ...

  7. Recreation Demand for Great Lakes Beaches and Responses to Algae

    Resurgent harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Lake Erie have heightened public and political interest in the ...

  8. An Evaluation of the Broadband Business Connection Across the Urban Hierarchy

    more: This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not required. If you have any ...

  9. AEDE Doctoral Student Interns at USDA’s Economic Research Service

    understanding to what extent rural businesses engage in innovative activity and how public funding can support ...

  10. Zhang Named a 2014 Ohio State Presidential Fellow

    management, ecosystem services and public policy in his studies at Ohio State. Zhang will use the fellowship ...
