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  1. Himes and Rettig Selected to Receive 2015 CFAES Alumni Awards

    receive awards from CFAES. Himes will receive a Meritorious Award, which gives public recognition to ... Active in his community, Rettig also currently serves on the school board for Napoleon, Ohio’s public ...

  2. Douglas Southgate to Speak at "Water: Science, Economics, and Policy” at the Ohio Wesleyan University

    open to the public. ...

  3. Ohio CAUV Value Projections for 2018

    report at: Or view ...

  4. Event Recap: The Micro Foundations of Macro Sorting Models

    this connection might mean for how economists use sorting models to value public goods, such as air ... to complementary or substitutable local public goods might affect households’ valuations for ... researchers to evaluate in more depth consumer decision making in regards to public goods, “Taken together our ...

  5. About Us

    (in public schools and in non-school settings), communicators and leaders that can address the needs, ...

  6. The Coming of Age of Hispanic Millennials

    Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) as well as a research assistant professor at the School of Public ...

  7. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    public and private sectors who are making targeted efforts to mitigate and adapt to greenhouse ...

  8. Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements and Other Farmland Rights: Evidence on Price and Willingness to Supply

    the public demand to retain undeveloped land for the various services it provides. By Lawrence Libby ...

  9. Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    Foundation program manager and internship coordinator. “Her passion for educating the public about ...

  10. Net Payments to Farmers by Crop Insurance

    Because the public subsidizes part of the premium for crop insurance, over time payments by crop ...
