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  1. 4-H Supports Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

    annual event features an auction in which the public can bid on members of the Jr. Fair Royal Court (Fair ...

  2. New National 4-H/Farm Bureau Partnership

    and USDA, and serves every county and parish in the U.S. through a network of 110 public universities ...

  3. Water Quality Can Affect Pesticide Performance

    impact of pesticide performance.  My sources of information are two publications from Purdue Extension; ... Purdue publications that I listed at the beginning of this article there is a chart which illustrates ...

  4. Increased CNG Fueling Stations Provide Ohio Businesses with Cost Saving Opportunities

    to two major highways, the station will be open to the public as well.  Kalmbach’s recent ... Like Kalmbach Feeds, Smith also constructed and operates its own public CNG fueling station. Proposed ... gas-powered vehicle conversions and new purchases of CNG powered vehicles to public (non-profit) entities as ...

  5. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

    regarding nitrogen applications.  The Purdue University publication on end of season stalk nitrate testing ...

  6. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    publication Silage Face Management: California Extension publication  ...

  7. Food Waste

    Recommendations from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health include the following:- Be particular about ...

  8. Outdoor Recreation and Parks Links

    planning, publications, impacts, management, land/rights-of-way, advocacy, education) Rails to Trails ... Lake Erie; supports the charter boat industry, advocate to agencies/general public; links to ...

  9. Fair Wrap-up and Tailgating

    demonstrations in the Grange Rotunda were successful, though I still need to work on publicity to invite more ...

  10. Manure Spreader Calibration

                The following reference is an excellent publication that provides more details about the spreader ... Calibration.  Penn State Extension Agronomy Facts 68 publication. Calibrating Liquid Manure Tank Applicators, ... Iowa State Extension publication ...
