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Q&A with Dr. Sami Khanal
soil drainage, food processing and treatment, natural rubber, waste management, biofuels, and systems ...
A. Manandhar
available. Dr. Shah would like to make it available for Ashish Manandhar’s public presentation part of his ...
You Write the Grant- Class 2
Due to public health concerns surrounding COVID-19 the following grant writing classes have been ...
You Write the Grant- Class 1- Postponed
Due to public health concerns surrounding COVID-19 the following grant writing classes have been ...
FABE Wooster is Moving Forward
for OSU and ARS; (2) OSU fiber project and ARS sprayer research/wind tunnel; and (3) natural rubber ...
Zhao and Chen receive Ohio State University Outreach and Engagement Award
emerging green homes in Ohio, and links to useful resources. They also publicized Ohio State research ...
Paws and Pumpkins on October 26
hayrides, pumpkin decorating, a costume contest, and more! This event is free and open to the public – so ...
Calling 911
direct them to the correct location. Because our classroom spaces are quite public, please maximize the ...
Puskas Named Inaugural CFAES Distinguished Professor
college, university, and/or the public. “The selection committee was extremely impressed with all of the ...
BTES Speaking Engagements
advancement/development professionals from 4-year private and public colleges, she delivered the following ...