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  1. Wooster Science Cafe- Death by Dust?- Wooster, Ohio

    The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current ...

  2. Emeritus Academy Lecture Series- How to Survive in Antarctica: Lessons from an Insect

    Emertus Academy lecture series.  The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.  ...

  3. Wooster Science Cafe- The Science of Culture- Wooster, Ohio

    The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current ...

  4. Sharing Practical Research with Farmers

    very excited about the brand new publication of its 2017 Report.  This gives farmers real data that ...

  5. About

    land-grant university colleagues. The CFAES Publications online store ( also offers ... other publications that are not available on Ohioline. Take a look and discover a tremendous range of ...

  6. Meet the Young Alumni Academy's CFAES members

    and monthly presentations, I hope to further develop skills like public speaking and ...

  7. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    friends from around the state while developing skills in public speaking, mentoring, record keeping, and ...

  8. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    The CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have brought ...

  9. Past Events

    works to provide a variety of educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications centered on ...

  10. Physical Activity

    certain chronic diseases due to sedentary behavior are major public health problems in the United States. ...
