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  1. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    wastes, my research contributes to the broader public by advancing the development of novel technologies ...

  2. SNAP-Ed

    any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or ...

  3. Citizen's Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (cQHEI), Train-the-Trainer, April 4-5, 2024

    gap and to encourage the public to partner in habitat protection, MBI has developed a cQHEI program. ... their local waters will provide dividends to local ecosystems. MBI has learned that exposing the public ... Program? The goal of the MBI cQHEI program is to create a stream habitat awareness system among the public ...

  4. Gehrt and Raison Publish Books Brian Raison, OSU Extension field specialist, authored two publications that discuss and encourage ... publications, The Encouraging Mentor and 40 Conversations, are available here. Congratulations, Stan and Brian, ... on these publications. ...

  5. Spring Gardening Basics Class

    open to the public but does require registration (so they know how many snacks to make!) so bring your ...

  6. JCEP Public Issues Leadership Development Conference – April 15-17

    The Joint Council of Extension Professionals will host its Public Issues Leadership Development ...

  7. Ask a Master Gardener Volunteer

    Answering the public's questions about gardening using science-based information is an ...

  8. Green Industry Conference Update

    Agriculture career tech programs from the Cincinnati Public Schools attended the conference. They learned ...

  9. Our North Coast: An insight into Intergovernmental stewardship to improve Lake Erie from Ontario to Ohio

    programs. Seidel received a bachelor of science degree in biology in 1990 and a master of public ... assessment and modeling program and then in permitting programs. He also has a certificate in Public and ... Nonprofit Leadership from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. Eric Saas, H2Ohio Wetland Initiative ...

  10. NACAA Agricultural Awareness and Appreciation Award Applications – Due March 15

    improving the understanding of agriculture in their communities through public relations. Applications are ...
