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public rubber

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  1. Environmental Specialist II- Carbon Pollution Reduction

    public and stakeholders. You will participate in public meetings and hearings, outreach events, and ...

  2. Plastics, we got your number! New circular economy approaches unveiling potential to make a difference

    ensuring clean air, water, and accessible public lands for all Ohioans. His passion for protecting our ...

  3. September 2023 Highlights

    Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events October 11         FST ...

  4. Central Ohio Water Manager

    varying degrees of legal interest in land and implementing a variety of strategies to secure public and ... complex agreements. • Supervisory experience. • Experience communicating with the public and/or media both ...

  5. National Academy of Engineering adds 3 Buckeyes

    and the Society for Automotive Engineers, he has 21 patents and more than 300 technical publications ... in rubber technology, developing polymers with multiple applications. She is perhaps known best as ... highest honor conferred by the American Chemical Society's Rubber Division, and was elected to the ...

  6. Food Science and Technology Awarded Good-to-Great Grant

    leading edge of community-engaged scholarship. College of Public Health, Department of Anthropology ...

  7. The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice: Why Race and Place Still Matter- 2023 CFAES DEI Speaker Series- SAVE THE DATE

    1:30pm- Environmental justice panel discussion moderated by Dr. Darryl Hood, College of Public Health at ...

  8. Rivers and Parks + Imagination + Design: How to utilize Ohio's rivers to stimulate and enhance community and economic development

    Strategy – both major public/private initiatives to prepare for Central Ohio’s significant growth and ...

  9. Summer Program in Population Health

    The Summer Program in Population Health courses are focused on engaging those who work in public ... including Environmental Epidemiology: A Brief Introduction for Public Health Professionals and Graphical and ... students can take advantage of a $200 student rate! Monday, June 26, 2023- 8:30pm College of Public Health ...

  10. USDA Unveils New Tool to Track Federally Funded Investments

    media and the public can now immediately access, download and save data on all NIFA competitive and ...
