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public rubber

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  1. CFAES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series

    They are a seasoned public speaker, and educator.  To learn more about Ang please visit their website ... center on public writing such as Wikipedia editing and copywriting for real clients. In addition, Dr. ... of the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Jeffries has worked on several public history projects, including ...

  2. GM Commits to 'Green' Natural Rubber for Millions of Tires

    General Motors said it will commit to buying sustainable natural rubber for the 49 million tires ... it buys annually, an initiative aimed at helping small rubber farmers while protecting company ...

  3. Lu Zhao

    allocation between rubber synthesis and storage carbohydrate inulin, and evaluating the contribution of ... inulin reserves in providing carbon for rubber synthesis in Taraxacum kok-saghyz and Taraxacum ...

  4. Lily Zinan Luo

    rubber yield of Rubber Dandelion (TK) using a combination of traditional and modern breeding methods such ...

  5. 4-H Workshop Wednesday- Designing Dazzling Displays and Public Speaking

    tips on Public Speaking ...

  6. Natural Rubber- US Centric Industrial Crop Innovation for BioEconomy Growth

    The US can support rubber/energy crops the size of corn or soybean with hundreds of thousands of ... new jobs, and the need is pressing, because world rubber demand is expected to grow from 12 million ...

  7. Prof. Katrina Cornish

    and is the first Ohio Research Scholar to be appointed. She leads a program in alternate rubber ... expert, and is internationally recognized as a principal authority, on alternative natural rubber ... production, properties and products, and on natural rubber biosynthesis. ...

  8. Community Development Professionals at the 2022 NACDEP Conference

    to Incentivize and Support WIC FMNP Tom Blaine:   Outreach Engagement on Controversial Public Issues ...

  9. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Karima Samadi

    education. During my time as an Extension professional, I earned my Master’s in Public Health degree from ... OSU. Public Health is centered on health equity and food insecurity is a social determinant of health, ... so therein lies the convergence between public health, health equity, and the food system. It is in ...

  10. Mingde Liu

    rubber dandelion, Taraxacum kok-sahgyz (TK), with focus on eradicating the pappus gene so it cannot ...
