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  1. Pond Management

    Darke County ANR Educator Caden Buschur will be at Worch Memorial Public Library discussing pond ...

  2. Improving Crop Productivity

    Join Darke County ANR Educator Caden Buschur at Worch Memorial Public Library to learn about ...

  3. SENR Announcements, April 11

    as geology, earth sciences, engineering, public health, and crop sciences among others. Three of our ...

  4. Doctoral Program (PhD)

    culminating in the defense and publication of their dissertation. Students graduating with this degree will be ... scientific journal publication. Applicants who do not meet these requirements but are otherwise prepared for ...

  5. Master of Science (MS)

    a scholarly master’s thesis and publication in refereed, professional journals. The program prepares students ...

  6. Professional Master’s (MENR)

    their target career field. Popular minors and certificates include environmental assessment, public ... employers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors, including environmental consulting firms, law ...

  7. SNAP-Ed

    any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Ashlyn Halseth

    populations is crucial for both wildlife conservation and public health. The Cook County Coyote Project, ...

  9. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    the public on their value and importance to society. “Science-based, adaptive wildlife management ...

  10. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    Degraded Site in Illinois. Contextualizing Urban Soil Pb within a Public Health Framework. Characterization ...
