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  1. James P. Strange, PhD

    James P. Strange, PhD Peer-reviewed Publications- last five years (Students in italics, ... Herndon, USU, MS  2019 Jonathan B. Koch, USU, MS 2011; PhD 2015   Peer-reviewed Publications- last five ...

  2. Previous Winners

    (Purdue University) and Environmental Sciences/Public Health (the University of North Carolina at Chapel ... cruise lines.  Having authored or co-authored over 200 scientific publications, Dr. Jaykus’ other ... publications including Fast Company’s 100 most creative people in Business.   Dr. Khan earned his medical ...

  3. Afsoon Sabet

    invasive ticks. Vector ecology Medical entomology Public health entomology Afsoon's first experience ... Ward. While at Mississippi State, she honed her interests in public health and entomology, as well as ...

  4. Ohio Regional Tick Symposium: Tackling Tick Range Expansion

    >> This one-day symposium will bring researchers, public health officials, health practitioners, and ...

  5. Seven ACEL students participate in global education programs

    media communicate with and educate the public about these issues.  Hoying said it was interesting to see ...

  6. Entomology Graduate Student Association

    throughout central and northeast Ohio and provide an opportunity for the public to engage with research and ...

  7. Shaohui Wu

    Application No. 63/358,387, filed on July 5, 2022. (Pending) Publications ‪ Shaohui Wu- ‪ Google Scholar Book ...

  8. September 2023 Highlights

    Technology Building room 118 each week and are open to the public. Upcoming Events October 11         FST ...

  9. Undergraduate Minors

    communication process, valuable in any career field. Classes include public speaking, graphic design, and web ...

  10. Food Science and Technology Awarded Good-to-Great Grant

    leading edge of community-engaged scholarship. College of Public Health, Department of Anthropology ...
