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  1. TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local

    weathercasters can indeed play an important role in educating the public about the local consequences of a global ... conducts research on public engagement in climate change, and co-chaired the Engagement & Communication ...

  2. Kathleen Rose Graduate Defense Seminar

    Substantial research has demonstrated consistent public support for the use of prescribed fires in fuels ... reduction efforts.  However, continuing and significant public concern regarding smoke emissions and ... negative air quality impacts remains and has the potential to negatively influence public acceptance of ...

  3. Turning Green

    a non-profit this summer, rather than what the public sees daily. How did this affect your career goals? I was ...

  4. Benefits of Ramsar

    non-governmental organizations. Public awareness of a site’s Ramsar designation can highlight the site’s ...

  5. How are We to Live in Our Common Home? Reflections on Laudato Si, Pope Francis' Encyclical on Ecology

    is open to the public but tickets are required to attend. Tickets can be reserved online at  ... Public Affairs, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, and additional partners and student ...

  6. Faculty to Discuss Motivating Sustainable Behavior

    how can we motivate the necessary shifts in public policy and personal behavior?    ...

  7. Glen Echo Bird Club Owl Walk

    the public and are happy to show newbies the ropes. To learn the details visit their facebook page. ...

  8. Graduate Seminars

    Public Affairs (JGSPA) Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) School of Earth Science ...

  9. Plasticulture Strawberry Field Day

    This program is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Our featured speaker will be Brad Bergefurd, Extension specialist ...

  10. Exploring the Relative Influence of Knowledge, Values and Risk Perception on Engagement in Climate Mitigative Behaviors

    Columbus Public Health and SENR about climate change and health that was distributed online to 400 Columbus ...
