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  1. Ribbon-Cutting Commemorates a New Anchor for Waterman

    lab, and a rooftop garden, at the private reception Nov. 15. A public celebration is planned for the ...

  2. DEI Professional Development Workshop: Did They Really Just Say That?! Being an Active Bystander

    light snacks will be provided. Facilitator: Lena Tenney, MPA, MEd., Coordinator of Public Engagement, ...

  3. OSU Alumni Band Performance- Worthington, Ohio

    open to the public.  More information is available here.   ...

  4. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    free and open to the public. There will be hands-on activities for all ages, live animals, and a chance to ...

  5. Chadwick Arboretum Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    The public is invited to Chadwick Arboretum for an afternoon of refreshments, canoeing, fishing, ...

  6. Scaling up the Synthesis of Novel Poly(ethylene glycol) Based Dendrimers for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications (NSF Phase II SBIR to Enzyme Catalyzed Polymers LLC; subcontract to the Puskas group)

    publicized and generated interest in the local community. With the help of this NSF grant a new R&D ...

  7. July 2017 Highlights

    public media, Reader’s Digest, U.K. Daily Mail, the Daily Beast, U.K. Express, NewBeauty Magazine, ... features the researcher profile of FST's Dr. Yael Vodovotz. Ohio State public health student Igor ...

  8. The Intersectionality of Blackness and Queerness: A Panel Discussion

    OSU students, staff, and faculty and the general public.  If you have any questions about ...

  9. August 2019 Highlights

    assessment and risk ranking short course from EPHI (Ethiopian Public Health Institute) and the GOHI OSU ... take place from 4-5 pm in Parker 118 each week and is open to the public. Upcoming Events: September 4  ...

  10. Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

    of, and to enhance the public understanding of an appreciation for Hispanics, Chicanos, Native ...
