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  1. Aliens on Your Land! Strategies for Controlling Invasive Plants

    habitats. OIPC promotes public awareness of invasive species issues and encourages land management and ...

  2. Ohio Composting Industry Tour Is Aug. 24

    large-scale composting, including business owners, compost facility staff, farmers, scientists and public ...

  3. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    High St., in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public. This is the fifth year that Ohio State ...

  4. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    public-private partnership to coordinate and support geo-referenced date and services) Ohio DNR DSWR Earth ... more to private and public sectors to help make land use and management decisions) Ohio DNR GIS website ...

  5. Harmful Algal Blooms

    established thresholds and initiates testing when cyanobacteria are visually present in Ohio’s public waters. ...

  6. Agricultural Conservation Links

    Program  Grassland Reserve Program  Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program  Reports and ... sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, communities; publications, blog, numerous ...

  7. Get Answers

    businesses, and public agencies to protect human health and the environment and serves as a critical part of ...

  8. Media Advisory: CFAES Experts Available to Speak on Avian Flu

    medicine, veterinary public health, and epidemiology. He leads large applied field research projects ...

  9. Farms, Farmland, and Food System Links

    studies/success stories, info/publications, extensive links list) Sustainable Table (celebrates local sustainable ... plastic bag recycling) Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (focuses on concept that public health, ...
