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  1. Philosophy on Partnerships

    Follow-through, Ability to work with other organizations, Willingness to share success and publicity, Managing ... education, business, public and social service. It represents that aspect of teaching that enables learning ... community, and that aspect of service that directly benefits the public. How does Extension’s role in the ...

  2. Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards Ceremony

    on May 6. The ceremony is free to attend and open to the public. It will take place just before the ...

  3. OSU Extension Factsheets

    purpose of this publication is to help you gain a better understanding of how communities are organizing ... This publication summarizes the steps involved in developing a watershed action plan. Costs of ...

  4. October Newsletter

    Class Orientation Meeting, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Grandview Heights Public Library October 13 – CARTEENS ...

  5. Cuyahoga Area of Concern

    businesses, governments and public representatives interested in promoting the removal of the Area of Concern ...

  6. Plasticulture Strawberry Field Day

    This program is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Our featured speaker will be Brad Bergefurd, Extension specialist ...

  7. County Centennial Celebrations

    public was invited (via radio, newspapers) to a 100-year celebration serving cake and punch. The county ...

  8. The Future of Oak is in Our Hands

    now manufactures new bourbon barrels using Appalachian white oak. Speyside rarely opens to the public ...

  9. Extension Connections

    participating in the Franklin County 4-H Winter Fair. Sixty-seven 4-H members developed public speaking skills ...

  10. Beaver Creek Wetlands Association

    partnerships, community networks, and public education.  BCWA supports the retention of wetlands within the ...
