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  1. "Fair Dinkum" Australian Visitors, Drs. Mark and Tieneke Trotter: Engagement opportunities

    is a public institution founded in 1967 in Rockhampton as the Queensland Institute of Technology ... publications, joint training of graduate students, and collaborative teaching of undergraduates by faculty from ...

  2. Southern Swiss Dairy, LLC.

    with the dairy industry are preferred. Strong writing and public speaking, and computer skills are ...

  3. Dr. Danny Fox Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    dairy cow/year. Dr. Fox’s research resulted in more than 330 publications, invited presentations at more ...

  4. Changes Coming…

    Use this form to submit news, events, publications, etc. for posting on the website. Submissions can ... left of your profile, under the left menu. Soon to come, new publications will also be listed there. ...

  5. Pairis-Garcia Earns AFRI Grant

    in fact, there has been much public scrutiny on the methods, performance and decision-making process ...

  6. Rumble hired as assistant professor of agricultural communication

    students and ACEL graduate students, and conduct a line of research around public perceptions of food and ...

  7. Animal Welfare and Behavior Club

    animal welfare to the students at Ohio State University and the public through use of guest speakers, ...

  8. Speaker, Katherine Harrison: Slaughterhouse Welfare

    animal welfare to the students at Ohio State University and the public through use of guest speakers, ...

  9. Pairis-Garcia Earns AFRI Grant

    in fact, there has been much public scrutiny on the methods, performance and decision-making process ...

  10. Udall Scholarship

    commitment to the environment through public service? Do you inspire and motivate others to take action? If ...
