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  1. American Dairy Association Mideast Communications Intern

    graphic design, photography and social media. The intern will also gain experience in public relations and ...

  2. Food Science and Technology

    of Columbus Public Schools. The Wilbur V. and Frances L. Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund.  Supports ...

  3. Conference: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...

  4. Conference: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...

  5. Citation Needed

    114, Parker Food Science Building. This is your chance to learn the skills needed to help the public ...

  6. Learning and Relationships: Practical Strategies

    learn and how to cultivate change in individuals, institutions, and cultures. His publications include ...

  7. 2020 American Angus Association Internship

    Media:  This writing-intensive opportunity offers the chance to participate in producing publications ...

  8. The Bourbon Barrel Connection: Revitalizing Appalachian Ohio economies and oak-dominated forests

    natural resource management and public outreach projects in Pennsylvania and Colorado. She is an active ...

  9. Director of Communications and Managing Editor Position

    Position requires excellent writing skills and publication layout and design skills including a high ...

  10. Health Sciences Fair

    including the health care industry, research, and education. The event is free and open to the public. To ...
