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CSA Task Analysis
Area A: Develop Marketing Strategies Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Duty ...
A Super Time for Super Berries
raspberries. With growing interest in super foods by the general public, growers in Ohio might find super ...
Ohio State ATI is solar exam provider
offers the public a high degree of protection because practitioners have to voluntarily meet standards ...
OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update
the Rio Grande Educational Channel 17 TV station. This public access TV program broadcasts under the ... Time Warner Cable System using one of the Public Educational Channels. Viewers from four southern Ohio ...
News: Garcia earns Registered Corporate Coach certification
business professionals from all industries in the public, private and non-profit sectors. ...
Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger
Shirley had taught in the Pennsylvania public schools for six years, including junior and senior high ...
Vinayak Shedekar visits FAO to attend the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon
GSOC17 website. Soil Organic C arbon: the hidden potential The publication was launched at the Global ...
Dr. M. Sanjayan: "Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future"
Public Media and EPN/SENR will be jointly promoting Big Blue Live and the Sanjayan event February 11th. ...
Soil and Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers
auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required. To register, ...
Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months
well as the general public has already been successful. Education during tours to administrators, 4-H ...