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  1. 2016 Columbus Urban Farm Tour is here!

    farming in central Ohio. The tour series is free and open to the public, and there is no advanced ...

  2. Using Warm Season Cover Crops

    public. Parking is available at McKinley Field, at Wallace Community Garden and on street on Goodale ...

  3. Rubber Industry's Auto Suppliers Find Inspiration in Unlikely Places

    Sometime in the mid-1990s, when Katrina Cornish saw a load of freshly picked tomatoes in a hopper being transported from a farm on the back of a truck.  She didn't view that load of tomatoes as most people would. She wondered instead about the tomato ...

  4. News: Ohio State ATI scores 97/100 on new College Scorecard

    two-year public institution in the state.  Value-added attempt to isolate the contribution of the college ...

  5. Welcome to the Wednesday Wire!

    submissions is noon Monday the prior to publication. If you submit after the deadline, your submission will be ...

  6. Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park

    Pavillion which is open to the public. Additional viewing opportunities of the natural areas are available ... public daily from dawn to dusk. Tours of the facility can be scheduled year-round by calling 614-292-9774 ...

  7. Chadwick Plant Sale

    Fisher” public affairs radio program will broadcast live on Friday morning.  Admission both days is free, ... a discount on Chadwick Arboretum plants. Open to the Public:   Friday, May 6, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Saturday, ...

  8. Pasture Management Workshop

    the event. Admission is $10 and open to the public. For accommodation purposes, advance registration ...

  9. Report from Campus Safety Committee

    Campus Public Safety (David Drake –   ...

  10. Health and Safety

    Special Note on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs: NO person may consume an alcoholic beverage in a public place. ...
