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  1. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    public and private sectors who are making targeted efforts to mitigate and adapt to greenhouse ...

  2. Ohio State ATI is solar exam provider

    offers the public a high degree of protection because practitioners have to voluntarily meet standards ...

  3. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    Shirley had taught in the Pennsylvania public schools for six years, including junior and senior high ...

  4. News: Garcia earns Registered Corporate Coach certification

    business professionals from all industries in the public, private and non-profit sectors.  ...

  5. November Newsletter

    pins for leadership, community service, public speaking, and other specialty awards. These teens are ...

  6. December Newsletter

    knowledge to teach the general public about the value of trees in the landscape. As an example of how this ...

  7. Researchers Complete Advanced Cluster Analysis for EDA-Funded Project

    quality, using a wide variety of public and private data sources.  The cluster analysis revealed both ...

  8. OSU Extension Resources for Shale Development

    materials developed by OSU Extension to help educate landowners and the general public on Ohio's shale ...

  9. Come to the Butler County Farm Day for Family Fun!

    pasture management practices. This event is FREE and open to the public. Families are encouraged to come ...

  10. Early Publication

    Wednesday Wire is publishing a day early this week due to the Independence Day holiday. We'll resume the regular schedule next week. ...
