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  1. Agriscience Education

    teaching careers in the public schools, extension agencies/offices, or in agricultural businesses or ... • Farm manager • Sales consultant or representative • Public relations specialist • Extension Agent or ...

  2. News: Ohio State ATI scores 97/100 on new College Scorecard

    two-year public institution in the state.  Value-added attempt to isolate the contribution of the college ...

  3. The 16th Annual CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    students, faculty, and the public. Participation in this event will prepare students for the OSU Spring ...

  4. Engineering plants to help replace oil

    A commercially grown source of hypoallergenic latex, guayule produces both rubber and hydrocarbon-rich resin. ...

  5. Welcome to the Wednesday Wire!

    submissions is noon Monday the prior to publication. If you submit after the deadline, your submission will be ...

  6. Alumni Recognition

    categories: Meritorious Award: The purpose of the Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to ... excellence. Distinguished Alumni Award: The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who ...

  7. The Oaks- Educational Program on Oak Trees and Potential Pests

    is open to the public and free. Doors open at 6:30 pm. The presentation will begin at 7:00 pm.  If ...

  8. "Fitbit" Cattle Trial Conducted at Ohio State Beef Center

    results from the trial in future research publications. Dr. James Kinder, professor in the Ohio State ...

  9. Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding Internship

    reporting their findings in scientific publications. To obtain more details about this internship please see ...

  10. National Turkey Federation Internship

    degree in, communications, public health, and/or legal studies strongly desired, but not mandatory. This ...
